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An alpha mind, and how it can help build your child’s value system?

  • 3m guru
  • Jan 13, 2022
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Why kids don’t listen? Why do parents find it difficult to inculcate values in them? How developing an alpha mind can help them? This article will take you through these three important questions step-by-step.

Why kids don’t listen?

The answer lies in the nature of the mind. It can be a herculean task to put behind your past mistakes and bad experiences and ask the mind to not get influenced by them for your current actions; even for the most iron-willed individuals. But remember that your current actions decide your future. To shrug off your past and build a life of your dreams, the first step will always be to remove your mental blocks and alter your mindset to give it a positive outlook.

Most of us know that our mind never listens. You instruct it to be alert, it will go to sleep. You instruct it to be calm, it will jump like a monkey. You win it once; it will beat you twice. You instruct it to fill itself with positive thoughts, it immediately reminds you of your past failures. So, conquering your mind needs understanding how the mind operates.

Why do parents find it difficult to inculcate values in them?

There are two levels of the human mind. The conscious mind is the external layer that deals with the senses and interacts with the outside world. It is highly volatile and is in a constant state of flux. It is churned in a continual change of emotions and temper. It reacts to everything the external world throws at it. 

There is another layer of the mind- The Subconscious. It is the source of all thoughts, fuel to all actions, and is a reservoir of all information that has been learned in a lifetime. The relation between the conscious and subconscious minds is like a captain and the crew of a ship.

The conscious mind is like the captain of the Titanic ship. Only it has access to the external world. The subconscious mind is the crew that tirelessly works underground on the instructions from the captain. It just executes orders that are being given to it without analysis. Just like how the crew power the ship, the subconscious powers all thoughts and behaviour.

A child’s conscious mind is not fully mature to analyze what is good and what is wrong. So it is prone to reject instructions parents give, without valuing implications.

How developing an alpha mind can help them?

If we have to change a child’s mindset, we must learn how to give instructions directly to the subconscious mind. To communicate with the subconscious, the conscious mind must be ‘silenced’. This happens when the mind is in an alpha state.

When the conscious mind is silenced, its interference with the subconscious becomes negligible. Then, we can establish an unobstructed gateway of communication with the subconscious. The subconscious can then be ‘programmed’ through positive affirmations to unlearn its old beliefs and patterns and can be reprogrammed to absorb the right values.

How to do it?

There are many techniques to train a child’s mind to stay in Alpha state. Specific breathing techniques, meridian tapping techniques, brain gym exercises, visual imagery, yoga nidra and creative visualization activities are such time-tested methods. Asystematic approachthat incorporates all these techniques can give tremendous benefits to a child’s developing mind.

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